Wednesday, June 22, 2011

BAD BLOGGER. BAD. (also, the blog in which I do a stupid test)

Again, I haven't posted in awhile.  Not a lot has happened - I went to South Carolina for the concert I'd been planning on going to, and I had an absolute blast.  I wish I had some better pictures than the ones I'm going to post, but my camera really does suck for taking pics during a live show.  But I got my pic with the guys in the band, so that rocks.

I'm mainly posting today because of that damned Intelligender test.  Mr. Berry scheduled me for a gender-determining ultrasound next month, and while he was there he picked up the Intelligender test since the ultrasound place said that they'll knock the price of the test off the price of the ultrasound next month - so essentially, the test was free.

I snapped a pic of the kit, so you guys can see it in all it's "glory."
Not included - gloves for when you inevitably piss on your own hand whilst trying to catch the sample

I took my FMU (or whatever I could catch after peeing on myself) and drew up 20 mLs from the syringe provided.  As much fun as we could have with a syringe squirt gun, I threw it away after I was finished - no one wants to be squirted by something that held pee. The instructions say to peel the little sticker off the hole covering the kit - Mr. Berry had to do this, as I'm a chronic nail biter and have absolutely no nails to speak of - and then slowly introduce the urine the urine to the test via the tiny hole in the top.
Hooray for proper colored pee!

The test said to wait 5 minutes before reading the results, but I figured it would be more fun to take a picture at each minute mark.  The pics below start from immediately after putting the urine in the test and go up to the 5 minute mark.

You can see that pretty early in the test, it turned the dark green shade required for a "boy" result.  By the time the 5 minutes was up, it was so dark it was almost black!

Mr. Berry watched almost the whole process (I'm sure you guys can figure out which step he skipped) while eating breakfast.  I made sure to remind him that the test is just for fun and in no way is it scientifically reliable.  I told him that he shouldn't get his hopes set on a boy until the ultrasound next month...but I could tell he kinda has already.  WHARGARBLE.

Overall - the test was basically free, so I'm not out any money.  I wouldn't buy it in the store because I know that it's not to be counted as reliable - everything I've been reading online about the tests state that it's just a simple pH test and you could theoretically duplicate the test at home with baking soda. In light of that info, I made sure to drink a bottle of water last night before bed to help neutralize anything I'd eaten that may skew the results anyways.

But we were hoping/feeling the boy vibes anyways, so this does somewhat confirm those feelings.  I'm not going out and buying blue paint, though - although Mr. Berry has already bought a little boy's outfit from Dollar Tree because it was on sale for $2 anyways and it had Ironman on it.
Because my daddy's a sucker.

Hope you guys had fun - and I'll get the instruction booklet scanned at some point today, after I figure out how to upload and post a .pdf file to a forum.