Monday, May 9, 2011

Good moms versus Great Moms (TM)

"A good mom lets her children lick the beater after they make cookies together.  A great mom turns the beater off first."

Sometimes, it's a struggle to make the extra leap to turn off the blender.  This is a little easier now because my hand beater is broken, but Mr. Berry bought me a KitchenAid mixer so that actually solves the entire dilemma - I don't think their little heads will fit under the mixer.

There's such a stigma about being a "Great Mom" (TM) as opposed to just a "good mom."  You know what a "Great Mom" (TM) is as soon as you see her - it looks like her kids literally just stepped out of a Pottery Barn Kids catalog, and she is perfectly coiffed, her clothes as smooth as her Botox'd forehead, and there's not a lick of trash in her spotless SUV.  For reference, see Victoria Beckham.

I will tell you right now, I personally do NOT know any "Great Moms" (TM).  I see them occasionally, usually at an upscale mall or shop, and I have to wonder at the dosage of Lithium that they are on because anyone with kids does NOT have that placid of a look on their face without heavy medication.
Reporter: Ms. Beckham, just how do you look so chic AND have kids?
Vic: Do what? I'm sorry, it's time for my meds.

However, this doesn't mean that all the moms that I know are crap.

All the moms that I know have frizzy hair because they haven't brushed it since the morning - or sometimes even last night. *gasp*

All the moms that I know have wrinkled clothes from being down on the floor with their kids.

All the moms that I know have a ton of kid crap in their car.  They even have wrappers from fast-food places that their kids have squirreled away for some reason.  And most of these moms have "confessed" to finding old sippy cups or even food in their car - I know I have.  BTW - Chicken Nuggets from McDonald's do.not.decay.ever.  They just get harder and harder until they're like little rocks.

All the moms I know have huge purses.  The difference between Great Moms (TM) and the moms I know is that my kind of mom's bags are full of toys, crayons, bits of crackers, extra underwear for the preschooler, Mom's day planner, and even something for Mom to do while waiting at the doctor's office. Honestly, I've just taken to bringing my knitting bag with me when I leave, and throw everything in there - it's big enough to fit all the kid's crap, plus three projects that I'm working on.

All the moms I know don't have a freaking nanny - they're too practical to pay someone to raise the child they wanted so that they have free time.

All the moms I know are real, in every sense of the word. They raise real kids, not moveable mannequins.  These kids are often running, eating, drinking, farting, shrieking, giggling, and playing. They raise people, not Mini Me's.

I'm lumping myself in with the <del>good</del> real moms, not the "Great Moms" (TM) - even if that means I have to make sure the mixer is off before I let them eat sugar, butter, gluten-ridden flour and raw eggs.

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