Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Haven't posted in a week...for a reason

Things have been really boring around the old homestead the past week or so.  Laundry, chores, walking the dog, feeling like crap due to my uterine parasite - oh, don't look scandalized, by all scientific definitions a baby in utero is a parasite since it feeds off the host with no mutual exchange of benefits (unless you count my huge knockers).

I wish I had something funny and clever to blog about, but I really don't right now.  The Things are performing optimally at school and at home - Thing 2 has had 2 solid weeks of "10 smiley days" at kindergarten, and Thing 1 is actually getting a little mouthy and attitude driven.  This should concern me about Thing 1, but this "Jeebus, you are annoying the fuck out of me" stage is a very typical thing for kids her age to go through.

It literally took me 5 minutes to snap a photo of her where she's smiling.  In most of them,
she looked severely pissed off about being bothered for a picture.
This is so weird - I'm excited that my kid is acting a little bitchy to me!  Usually, Thing 1 goes with the flow and is very lackadaisical about what goes on (as long as it's within defined parameters of what's "normal" - she doesn't mind if we suddenly need to leave the house for the entire day, as long as she can bring something familiar with her).  But her acting annoyed when I call her name, or getting pissy when I remind her to do her chores - this shows me that she's finally maturing at around the same rate as other "neurotypical" children in her age group.

Not that I let it fly, though - I smile on the inside at this relatively typical development, but I still make sure she responds to requests politely, not snottily, and she still has to do her chores and that "Fiiiine *huff*" is not an acceptable response to "Hey, don't forget to scoop the cat box." 

But otherwise, yep.  Boring as hell out here.  Not gonna lie, I'm liking that right now.  It's going to be batshit in a couple weeks when they're home ALL DAY EVERY DAY, and I'd like to enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts.


  1. Mine are done on Friday. Lawd help me.

  2. Oh, TOTW - you've got 5...I've got absolutely NO ROOM to bitch, LOL.

  3. Is it bad that I laugh inside when I hear FTMs whine about how overwhelmed they are?

  4. LOL, I remember how hard it was with just one when she was a baby - when you've never done it before, it can get skurry...but from what I've heard (and slightly experienced), the more you have, the better you get at having them.

    Also, I'd totally go Duggar and have the older kids help out with the little ones. That's gotta help too sometimes.
